Monster Hunter Frontier (Korean) Wiki

Quest Location

Note: this may or may not be unupdated for a few quests, it hasn't been touched since 4.0.

Hunter Quests, unlike seasonal, are set quests available at any time and are located in town and at the Guild building. However since the Guild has Seasonal Quests etc. there the Guild is a much more popular place.

All of these quests should be in the order they are listed.

HR 1~30[]


List 1

Difficulty Main Objective A B HRP M/A/B
Kill 1 Bulldrome 200
Kill 1 Velocidrome Kill 12 Velociprey Deliver 8 Special Mushroms (특산 버섯) 100/50/15
★★★★ Kill 1 Kushala Daora 1300
★★★★ Kill 1 Kushala Daora 1300
★★★★ Kill 1 Chameleos 1300
★★★★ Kill 1 Chameleos 1300
★★★ Deliver 3 Wyvern Eggs

(비룡의 알)

Deliver 4 Carnivorous Dragon Eggs

(육식룡의 알)

Deliver 6 Kelbi Horns (뿔)

Deliver 2 Kelbi Leather (가죽)

Kill 12 Kelbi

Kill 1 Yian Kut-Ku

Kill 6 Velociprey

Kill 60 Aptonoth Kill 20 Aptonoth 15/5

List 2

Difficulty Main Objective A B HRP M/A/B
★★ Deliver 6 Special Mushrooms (특산 버섯) Deliver 6 Blue Mushrooms (파란 버섯) Deliver 1 Exciteshroom (두근두근 버섯) 100/50/30
Kill 1 Velocidrome Damage a weak point 70/30
Kill 1 Yian Kut-ku Damage a weak point 160/80
★★ Kill 1 Daimyo Hermitaur Damage a weak point 230/120


Difficulty Main Objective A B HRP M/A/B
Deliver 4 Cactus Flowers (선인장의 꽃) 0
★★ Kill 1 Hypnock Kill 8 Genprey Deliver 4 Cactus Flowers (선인장의 꽃) 40/60/40
★★★★ Kill 1 Kushala Daora 1300
★★★★ Kill 1 Kushala Daora 1300
★★★★ Kill 1 Teostra 1400
★★★★ Kill 1 Teostra 1400
Kill 13 Apceros Kill 6 Apceros 25/10


Difficulty Main Objective A B HRP M/A/B
Deliver 4 Poisonous Mushrooms (독 광대버섯) 0
★★★★ Kill 1 Chameleos 1300
★★★★ Kill 1 Chameleos 1300
★★★★ Kill 1 Teostra 1400
★★★★ Kill 1 Teostra 1400
Kill 1 Bulldrome Damage a weak point 80/40
Kill 1 Gypceros Damage a weak point 200/100

Snowy Mountains[]

Difficulty Main Objective A B HRP M/A/B
Deliver 4 Ice Crystals (빙결정) 0
★★★★ Kill 1 Kirin Place guild flag at the summit (?) 800/100
★★★★ Kill 1 Kirin Deliver 4 Secret Pouches (비밀의 배낭) 800/60
★★★★ Kill 1 Kushala Daora Sever Kushala Daora's Tail 1300/220
★★★★ Kill 1 Kushala Daora Sever Kushala Daora's Tail 1300/220


Difficulty Main Objective A B HRP M/A/B
Deliver 4 Coal (연석탄) 0
★★★ Kill 1 Volganos Kill 15 Ioprey Deliver 12 Coal (연석탄) 700/100/20
★★★★ Kill 1 Teostra Sever Teostra's Tail 1400/220
★★★★ Kill 1 Teostra Sever Teostra's Tail 1400/220
Deliver 4 Coal (연석탄)

Kill 4 Ceanataur

Kill 4 Ioprey



Extra missions are basically freebies you can take to go to that map to explore, mine etc. and then turn in the map you receive from the supply chest into the delivery box at any time.

Note: These do have preset daytime/night times, however the seasons still seem to be effected even though the foreign wikis list specific seasons for these. So if you want bugs that are only gotten at night, choose the second mission on the list.


Difficulty Quest Presets Objective HRP G
Summer (day) Deliver map unit 15? 500
Summer (night) Deliver map unit 15? 500


Difficulty Quest Presets Objective HRP G
Breeding (day) Deliver map unit 15? 500
Breeding (night) Deliver map unit 15? 500